Hmm. Am having computer glitchiness which is proving somewhat disturbing. My internet connection has slowed to the cyber equivalent of a bloke with a slab of rock and a chisel and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Am planning to have a tinker in a minute - there seem to be lots of programs running in the background nowadays, many of which I have dodgy sounding names (ptsnoop anyone?!) so I'm going to surf to see which I can safely delete.
Am feeling very hyper - two thirds of the way through a coffee pot and am singing along happily to the soundtrack of the Buffy soundtrack episode, much to the chagrin - I am sure - of my neighbours (except for the deaf old lady next door who misses out).
Went to see Phone Booth yesterday at the cinema as per my sad girl at the flicks on her own fantasies. There is honestly nothing nicer than sitting with a big bucket of popcorn (half sweet, half salt) and some diet coke in the second row of the cinema (not the first or you get neck trouble) central, shoes off and with everyone else about three miles behind you. Huzzah. It was a good film too. Rollicking pace, didn't drag it out (a la Minority Report) and made me happy I'd made the effort (very glad of the KS cameo though, otherwise I would have been disappointed). Was almost tempted to go straight back in to see How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days but decided that might be a step too far. Restraint. It's so rare...!
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