Coo it's been a while since I was last here.
I would say I've been busy at work but actually, well I haven't (I've been off work for nearly a week on holiday!). I have however stopped updating this site for the mo from my work machine - according to the grapevine internet usage is being monitored quite carefully now and while the odd surf to Buffy/24 sites probably won't be commented on, posting to this is a tidge different!
So, what have I spent this time off work doing? Well... I have actually been deflowered. I am no longer a virgin, and before some smart arse asks how I can have been co-habiting all this time I'm talking conventions. Yup. I have hidden my geekdom quite well (ok, only the occasional trip to London's Star Trek theme pub) but now I'm coming out. I went to an Angel convention and it was great.
So there you have it. I'm a net sci-fi geek stereotype!
I will write up about it properly tomorrow, as it's actually quite funny. I also want to sort out this site a bit more before I unleash it to the world. In the meantime, let's just freak everyone out further by admitting I spent the afternoon trying to find a copy of Barry Manilow's Mandy on CD. If you were there you'll know why. If not, watch this space :)
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