Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Dragged myself into work despite feeling ill (and having been off yesterday and ill the last four days). Really wish I hadn't, but had a notebook full of stories which (because of the vagaries of my shorthand) couldn't be palmed off on anyone else.

A long, drawn out, difficult day. With one moment that made me laugh (and made me realise I don't have as much presence of mind as some people!):

A woman came in saying she had been accosted by a flasher. She rang the police and hasn't heard anything back and was complaining bitterly about the fact they weren't interested in her 'evidence'.

I asked her what her evidence was. It turns out she got out her camera phone and took a photo of the man's bits.

It made me laugh till I wheezed. She's coming in tomorrow to show me the pics (that's right. Plural). It makes you wonder what the whole incident was like...!


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