Oh dear. It all started with that 24 quiz and then three friends sent me other 24 quizzes to try and I'm now having a bit of a personality crisis.
Those people at Quizilla host quite a few 24 quizzes (search through the site to see) and the results vary somewhat:
According to the four I was posted (have I said thanks yet guys??!) I have characteristics of Jack (again? still?) Prez Palmer, Tony Almeida (*now* we're talking!), and... Kate Warner. That's your one Mojo, so thanks for that - although it could be worse, I could have turned out to be like Kim like someone we all know ;)
Check these out and enjoy, see you soon. I'm off to fix the results of these so they come out better! :)

You are Tony Almeida. You a good worker and you do your job by the rules... most of the time. You're calm in tense situations, and you help others in the same situation as you.
What 24 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla

You are President Palmer
24 Characters quiz brought to you by Quizilla

You are Jack Bauer. You are very reliable and people turn to you to get the job done even though you may break a few rules in the process.
Which 24 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla

You are Kate Warner. Intelligent and brave, you are usually the person to think of ways out of sticky situations. This survival instinct will always come in use.
Which 24 Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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